Take a look at the 'Top Rated' images from our Shadow theme for the month of April. This was quite a tricky theme for a lot of people as shadows can be quite a difficult thing to to capture when it's the primary focus of your photography. With that being said, we've had some fantastic entries and below are a few of our 'Top Rated' images.
This 'Top Rated' image taken by Ellie Jones is a great display of shadows. Ellie has also utilized her knowledge of Shape, Form and Texture for this image and the end result is fantastic. As photographers we need to be creative and make seemingly mundane or everyday objects look interesting visually, this is a great example of that. Great job!
Becky Mcenroe has earned herself a 'Top Rated' image for this months theme! (Just in time)
Becky has used the theme of shadows to give her image a brilliant overall mood and feel. It's a very powerful shot. A fantastic sunset, well composed subject and fields in the foreground all tie in with the shadows theme making an excellent shot. Well done Becky.
Well done to Joshua Greenwood for capturing this image. We really liked how you've responded to the theme. This is quite an unusual image and I think it really adds to it's appeal. A good use of lines in your composition and clear shadows makes this a great shot.
This photo taken by Tim Moorbey earns him a 'Top Rated' image. We really liked that Tim has filled the frame in this photo instead of taking a shot of the entire chair. He's carefully thought about the composition and captured a key section of the chair along with the shadow.
This is also an excellent use of black and white over a colour image. There's nothing here to distract the eye and the end result in brilliant.
Well done Sue Stealey and capturing this very mysterious and shadowy 'Top Rated' image. Having your subject in the center if the shot really works and is a brilliant example of how we don't always need to use the Rule of Thirds.
What an absolutely brilliant shot of the moon here taken by Paul Flemons. It nails the shadow theme for this month and quite simply the detail, texture and uniqueness of the photo makes this a 'Top Rated' image for us.